May 14, 2009

How much plastic is in the ocean you ask?...

This will help all of us understand exactly what we're talking about when we say PLEASE CUT BACK ON PLASTIC. Humans have gone through many different ages - The Stone Age, Iron Age, etc., well this is the Plastic Age. I'm not even kidding. Everything is made of it.

I failed on the first day of my challenge to go a week without buying plastic anything, as I had to get buns for Josh's birthday veggie burgers, and didn't want to put them in the basket because it was dirty. I always bring fabric bags to put the groceries in, but the owners might think I was stealing the buns if I put them in before I paying...I felt so stupid.

I'll go out and buy some see through small fabric bags that I can take to the store next time. They are sold at different places in Kensington Market, throughout Toronto at places like Grass Roots, and of course on-line. Or make them yourself if you can. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

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