January 21, 2009

Blue Gold: The Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World's Water

Well I've decided to say a little blurb about different books I like in the shop from time to time.
This is part of the back cover of the book Blue Gold, The Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World's Water: (by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke):
"Water is our most important resource; we literally cannot live without it. And yet, in almost every region of the world, it is being used up faster than it can be replaced. Alarmingly, a number of transnational corporations are positioning themselves to profit from water scarcity and are taking ownership of a resource that should never be sold into private hands."

Blue Gold goes into the grassroots movements that are fighting for people's rights to fresh water, and how we can help, in one manner, by choosing not to support certain corporations.

This book has received much attention and has become an international bestseller, so it has been updated from it's original form. Read it and find out what's been going on for yourself!

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